Structure Analysis

Thesis Statement

After describing the critical and hazardous issues of burning fire in the first paragraph in sec 1[Sec. #1], the author used the following highlighted sentence, in second paragraph, as the thesis statement. The reasons are that it strongly relates to the key phrases How to save in the topic, which indicates that there must be some solutions.

With climate change parching the land and increasing wildfire hazards, scientists are beginning to use cutting-edge technology and computer modeling to make controlled, low-intensity burns safer, more effective and less disruptive to nearby communities. "Fire has made us civilized, but we still don't understand it fully;' said Tirtha Banerjee of the University of California, Irvine, as he watched a tall heap of dead tree limbs go up in flames. As useful as prescribed burns can be for maintaining forests, they are tough to carry out一costly, labor-intensive, contingent on narrowing windows of favorable weather. And even well-planned burns can turn disastrous, as when a fire started by the United States Forest Service this spring was transformed by gusting winds into New Mexico's largest wildfire on record. .

Essay Outline

  • [Sec. #3] - Despite the numerous catastrophes caused by wildfires, people remain unaware of the dangers of wildfires.

    The increasing levels of global warming make it more likely that a moderate wildfire will escalate into a deadly catastrophe. Therefore, it is important for people to study and explore prescribed fire as a means of preventing future wildfires from catching off guard. The keywords of this section could be boiled down to the following words. Global warming and caught off guard.

  • [Sec. #4] - The challenges faced by the Forest Service in managing fires in a warming planet and the development of a training system to address these challenges.

    The Forest Service is developing a video game-like training system to help land managers learn how to safely conduct prescribed burns in increasingly volatile landscapes. This tool is necessary because the agency's current methods are not able to keep up with the challenges posed by a warming planet, and it will allow burn crew members to practice and prepare for various scenarios before implementing them in real life. The keyphrases are the resulting fire proved more dangerous and fast moving than anticipated and Better fire modeling.

  • [Sec. #5] - Studying the behavior and effects of fires at Blodgett Forest

    The key phrases are study how embers travel and analyze the chemical composition. Because this paragraph is discussing the various methods that researchers at Blodgett Forest are using to study how fires spread and the chemical composition of fire emissions. It also mentions that this information is being used to evaluate the effectiveness of prescribed burns and to help land managers develop strategies for safely and effectively managing fires in the future. Therefore, the main idea or focus of the paragraph is the study of the behavior and effects of fires at Blodgett Forest.

  • [Sec. #6] - Conducting a prescribed burn at Blodgett Forest.

    The paragraph is describing the process of conducting a prescribed burn at Blodgett Forest, including the actions taken by the researchers, the transformation of the landscape, and the data being gathered. The key phrase is using their torches to draw lines of flame that burned uphill

  • Coherence & Cohesion

    [Sec. #2]



    [Sec. #3]



    [Sec. #4]



    [Sec. #5]



    [Sec. #6]



    Take-home Message

    In the last paragraph of the entire essay, the author delivered the message again that prescribed burns is a practice used to prevent wildfires by intentionally setting controlled fires, can be both a natural and an artificial way of protecting the land. This message is conveyed through the description of the burn and the observations and reflections of the scientists studying it. Additionally, the paragraph suggests that the study of science can be artistic and that the appreciation for this aspect of science may increase with age. This is obtained by the quote The older I get, the more I appreciate how much of science is like an art from Dr. Randerson.

    For a while, the flames had a meek, almost dainty quality; the vegetation was too damp to bum very fiercely. But as the day warmed, fires began blackening the hillsides at a rapid clip. The scientists took in the scene cautiously as their machines gathered data. ►By late afternoon, Dr. York and his team had burned about 13 acres, and he sat down for a breather. His face was slick with sweat and grime. The forest smoldered all around him. Dr. Randerson took a moment to admire the brutal raw power of the fire they were studying - a natural, yet also unnatural way of safeguarding the land. "The older I get;' he said, "the more I appreciate how much of science is like an art.