About Chao Hsu

CS - Jounery of Exploration

code for my game (Hover over it!)

Despite the persistent myths surrounding Computer Science, which often paint it as solely a department focused on coding, I was unsure if this major was right for me before starting college. However, as I began my studies in CS a year ago, my perspective was completely transformed through the diverse array of courses that I was exposed to in the department. These experiences allowed me to truly appreciate the depth and beauty of Computer Science, which I came to understand is not just about coding, but rather, it is about empowering us to bring our creative ideas to life. Through these courses, I have gained invaluable skills and confidence in my ability to materialize my ideas, and I am grateful for the opportunity to study in such a dynamic and enriching field.

Menu for my game (Hover over it!)

The ability to communicate with computers is an endlessly fascinating pursuit, and it is this passion that drives me to continually improve my skills in both front-end and back-end development. I am excited to join a tech company in the future where I can fully immerse myself in a culture of vision and advancement, using the incredible power of computer technology to achieve my goals and make a meaningful impact on the world. With hard work and determination, I believe that anything is possible and that I can, will, and must accomplish great things with the help of computers.

MUN - A Turning Point

I love English, especially after participating in international camps and studying the materials for my major. I came to realize that English is like an intangible line that connects all humans and knowledge around the globe tightly. I hope to continue improving my English ability.

However, I was like many of my friends, I was naturally introverted. However, I discovered that this trait was holding me back from making new friends and seizing opportunities for personal growth. Determined to overcome my shyness, I joined the Model United Nations club and was eventually chosen to represent France as a delegate. Through this experience, I gradually built up my confidence and developed a love for socializing with others. My hard work paid off when I was recognized with an award for excellence in diplomacy. As I continue on my journey of self-improvement, I am grateful for the chance to have pushed myself out of my comfort zone and become a more outgoing and confident person.

I was the delegate of France

Through my participation in Model United Nations, I have honed my ability to converse and connect with new people without feeling uncomfortable or strange. This has been an invaluable asset, particularly as I have entered college and encountered many new and diverse individuals. The wisdom and confidence I have gained from MUN have allowed me to thrive in my personal and academic pursuits, and I am truly grateful for the growth and development that this experience has afforded me.

Pursuing my master's degree abroad is an opportunity I am incredibly excited about, as it will not only allow me to meet and connect with a diverse group of individuals from around the world, but it will also give me the chance to fully immerse myself in a new and unique educational setting. I am confident that this experience will be truly transformative and enhance my personal and professional development in countless ways.